Friday, July 4, 2008

Letter of Thanks from Los Pipitos

In Spring 2008, HSR has directed monetary support (from our local coffee sales) to Los Pipitos childcare center, funding physical therapy for handicapped students in rural areas of San Ramon.
Below is a letter of thanks from Lilliam Selva, the coordinator of Los Pipitos. The green text is Ms. Selva's text, and the italics are our English translation:

San Ramon 21 de junio de 2008.

Sister Communities of San Ramon Nicaragua (SCSRN)

En nombre de la asociación de padres con hijos discapacitados queremos dirijirnos a ustedes para hacerles llegar nuestros mas profundos agradecimientos por el aporte que ustedes nos brindan cada año a traves del hermanamiento. Tuvimos noticias por medio del Lic. Oscar González representante del hermanamiento, que Henniker nos ha donado $ 1000.00 para pago de fisioterapia. Estamos muy contentos y los padres de familia ya estan enterados.

In the name of the Association of Parents with Handicapped Children, we want to direct ourselves to you to make you receive our most profound gratitude for the support that you give us each year of our (communities’) sisterhood. We had news via Oscar Gonzalez (representative of the sister community) that Henniker has given us $1,000 to pay for physical therapy. We are very happy and the parents of families are now entered (in the therapy).

Gracias a Henniker por acordarse de nosotros, de este sector tan vulnerable que no tiene ayuda del gobierno nacional ni del gobierno municipal. Si no fuera por su apoyo este centro no contara con la ayuda de profesionales que hasta hoy laboran, somos reconocidos en esta ciudad y a nivel del departamento de Matagalpa por la integración de los niños en las escuelas.

Thanks to Henniker for aligning yourselves with us, in this vulnerable sector that does not have aid from the national government nor from the municipal government. If it weren’t for your support this center would not (be able to) count on the aid of professionals who have worked here until now; we are recognized in this city and at the level of the department (state) of Matagalpa for the integration of the children in the schools.

Gracias Henniker y a Comunidades Hermanas de San Ramón Nicaragua por este apoyo que viene a beneficiar a este sector tan olvidado por la sociedad.

Thanks Henniker, and to the Sister Communities of San Ramon, Nicaragua, for the support that comes to benefit this sector that is (otherwise) forgotten by society.

Aprovecho la oportunidad de saludarles y nuevamente desearles muchos exitos.

I take advantage of the opportunity to salute you all, and once again wish you much success.

Hasta Pronto.
Until soon.

“Una sonrisa vale más que mil palabras”
“A smile is worth more than a thousand words.”

Lilliam Selva
Coordinadora Pipitos
Coordinator of Pipitos
San Ramón.

BELOW: Members of HSR tour Los Pipitos in 2007.

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