
HSR organizes delegations to San Ramón on a regular basis. Delegations make friends, learn firsthand about life in San Ramón, strengthen the bonds between Henniker and San Ramón, and have fun.
  •  There are no Spanish or special skills required to participate. 
  • Some delegations participate in small work projects, gather information, and assess possibilities for future projects and delegations.  We extend and nurture the relationships that have been carefully built by previous delegations.  
  • Delegates traditionally carry one or two suitcases of materials for their project or medical, school, and sports supplies for schools and clinics. 
  • Orientation sessions provided to prepare for delegations increase the success and satisfaction of delegation participants. 
  •  When delegates return home, they report back to HSR and to the community at large.

 If you would like to join an upcoming delegation, please contact HSR.