Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thoughts on Solidarity

Jason Paul writes:

"[During our school visits,] we have begun by asking some of the teachers to write a paragraph on solidarity and what solidarity means to them. Here are some of the responses:"

Izdania Soberana Perez, 33 years old, 16 years experience as elementary teacher:
Solidarity is the mutual aid which is developed between children, adults, schools, communities etc depending on their needs, almost always, this is born of every person...

Coleta Martinez, 33 years old, 4 years experience as elementary teacher:
Solidarity is the capacity that we have as people to help others when necessary. If it comes from the heart comradery among people is easier to practice. All of us posess the ability to develop this quality, but very few put it into practice.

Myriam Zelaya, 57 years old, 30 years experience as elementary teacher:
Solidarity consists of giving help to the people who need it, being nice to the people around us and sharing difficult moments with them with sincerity, caring, and love.

Jamileth Ordeñana, 35 years old, 8 years experience as elementary teacher:
It is sharing what I know and what I have, knowledge, virtues, helping to forge a better world where children are not mistreated. It is to struggle for a dignified education for everyone. It is to make the rights of others valued. It is learning to learn and sharing. It is helping others meet their needs whoever they may be, wherever they may be.

Roger Salgado, 31, years old, 9 years experience as elementary teacher:
Solidarity is a very fundamental element which has to do with one person to another, or one country to another with the end of helping in a way that is moral, economic, or in knowledge to get out of the paradigm of being held back as a people.

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